Proteolytic Enzymes and Natural Pain Relief
Proteolytic enzymes are being widely used by many health practitioners these days to help with such diverse conditions as autoimmune conditions, heart disease, inflammation and plaque.
Even cancer treatment has been suggested by some doctors as a possible target. How can we learn more about these powerful enzymes and what they are?
Chemical reactions which occur in living organisms are facilitated by proteins known as enzymes. All the various systems of the body, including muscles, cells, organs, bones and tissues, are controlled by enzymes.
Moreover, enzymes control the immune and digestive systems, liver, bloodstream and kidneys. Enzymes are required for proper functioning of all of the body’s hormones as well as the vitamins and minerals we consume. And all of the body’s metabolic functions are dependent on enzymes for proper functioning; this includes immune systems, energy level, stamina, use of vitamins and minerals, and more.
The body’s production of proteolytic enzymes is diverted when we eat enzyme dead foods (ie., cooked or processed). This diversion’s consequences can be enormous. And, conversely, the benefits of proteolytic enzyme supplementation are profound. By supplementing with these proteolytic enzymes for digestion with meals, it is possible to decrease stress on the body thus eliminating its need to divert resources.
Following are other benefits provided by proteolytic formula supplementation.
- Reduced inflammation: The body’s natural response to injury is inflammation. However, the healing process can be inhibited by excessive inflammation. Proteolytic enzymes act to neutralize inflammation biochemicals, lowering them to levels where the repair, synthesis and regeneration of tissues can occur in the affected area. Conditions such as Alzheimer’s, heart health and cancer prevention can be immediately impacted by this reduction of inflammation. Similarly, benefits to sprains, arthritis, strains and surgery can be sped up.
- Cleansing debris from the blood: Organic debris found in the lymph and circulatory system is primarily controlled by these enzymes and their ability to “digest” such agents. The process is merely improved by supplementation.
- Reduction of clot risk by dissolving blood fibrin: the risk of stroke is greatly reduced by the optimization of blood flow in the circulatory system. By using proteolytic enzymes on protracted fights the risk of clots in one’s legs can be minimized.
- Immune system maximization: Enzymes are the primary vehicle used by the immune system for battling invaders. The immune system’s ability to do its job is greatly improved by the use of supplements
- Elimination of viruses, fungi, mold and bacteria: These invaders are digested in the bloodstream when supplements of Proteolytic enzymes are taken between meals.
- And finally: Symptoms of MS, the detoxing of the blood and invaders in the lungs can all be addressed by a well-designed formula of proteolytic enzyme supplement.
The incredible benefits to health of proteolytic enzymes is clear which, in turn, explains their rapidly growing appearance in many health food stores.