Archive for the ‘Gout’ Category
12 Gout Home Remedies You Need To Know
Gout home remedies are a very popular topic for discussion these days with the rising trend of gout cases being diagnosed. Many people shy away from gout treatment options that involve doctor prescribed medications and prefer to go with the more natural treatment approach through using gout home remedies instead.
It seems like every gout sufferer has a tale to tell of some gout home remedies they have heard about or tried that worked wonders in relieving the major factor of what causes gout, namely the build up of uric acid in the body.
So without any further adieu, here are 12 popular gout home remedies that you may wish to investigate further.
1. The Wonders of Fish Oil
According to this gout home remedy, eating cold water fish such as cod, herring, sardines, salmon, and mackerel to obtain the important omega 3 vitamins that are excellent in helping to reduce joint or tendon inflammation caused by gout. If you hate to eat fish, then an alternative is to take fish oil capsules.
2. Quercitin
Quercitin is what is known as a natural anti-inflammatory drug which can be used to diminish the pain caused by gout. In this home remedy you need to eat lots of foods high in Quercitin including capers, tomatoes, apples, green vegetables and berries. As with fish oil, Quercitin does come in a capsule form that is available from most health food stores.
3. Cayenne Pepper
Well known for having many health benefits, Cayenne Pepper is also recognized for its ability to decrease inflammation caused by gout. Most gout home remedies recommend creating a topical solution by mixing the Cayenne Pepper with some vinegar, boiling it and then once cool, dabbing it on the affected region.
4. Turmeric powder
Turmeric is a spice long used by the peoples of China and India to help lessen inflammation pain caused by diseases such as gout. Simply adding the spice to your regular food is supposed to provide the anti-inflammatory benefits to your body.
5. Epsom Salt
Soaking in dissolved Epsom salt to help treat infections has been a very popular home remedy, so it should come as no great surprise that it would be part of the gout home remedies collection. Epsom salt has a very special ability to be able to not only reduce the swelling of the area of the body that is being immersed in the solution, but as well provide the entire body with a sense of relaxation.
6 Green Leafy Vegetables
Due to their very high health benefits, green leafy vegetables deserve to be mentioned again when discussing gout home remedies. In addition to being a source of Quercitin, these vegetable contain many other important healing agents such as flavonoids, assorted vitamins and minerals.
7. Vitamin C
Long respected for its amazing health benefits, Vitamin C has been a very important part of most gout home remedies. Vitamin C helps prevent the high uric acid levels in the body which lead to the formation of uric acid crystal in joints and tendons. Vitamin C is easy to obtain as it is found naturally in many common fruits and vegetables.
8. Cherries
Recently cherries have gained wide spread popularity in most gout home remedies literature for their role in helping to fix many common ailments and stave off aging. Rich in both Vitamin C as well as antioxidants, cherries now play a prominent role in most any gout home remedies treatment plan.
9. Potassium
Potassium has the benefit of actually helping to prevent gout from occurring by helping to liquefy uric acid so that it will be passed out of the body more effectively, thereby lowering the levels of uric acid in the blood and diminishing the chances of any uric acid crystals accumulating in joints and tendons. This makes potassium a very desirable component of your gout home remedies collection of ingredients.
10. Lime Juice
Lime juice has the unique property of being able to dissolve the uric acid crystals in the body before they can build up to dangerous levels resulting in gout symptoms. This makes lime juice a very essential ingredient in most gout home remedies, plus the fact that lime juice is very affordable and easy to obtain.
11. Devil’s Claw
Devil’s Claw is an herb which is native to parts of Africa and is very well known in holistic circles for its many health benefits, including gout. Devil’s Claw contains chemicals which work to decrease inflammation, swelling, and pain associated with gout.
12. Water
Water, “the wonder substance” seems to be good for most everything associated with good health, including gout. This makes it a crucial component in nearly all gout home remedies. It helps the body get rid of excess uric acid before dangerous levels occur in the blood and water also acts as a naturally occurring antidote for many other health issues by getting rid of body wastes.
These 12 ingredients are just a fraction of what you will discover in gout home remedies, however they do provide a good starting point for further research.
Gout Disease: The Proper Perspective
More often than not, what gets confused with what the actual condition is the gout diagnosis, the gout causes, and the gout cures. Which is not really what gout is – these concepts only seek to uncover and explain how gout symptoms present themselves and what can be done about them. To give a more accurate and “real world” description of what gout is, it reads best like this: “Gout is classified as a type of rheumatoid arthritis that is characterized by exceptionally painful swelling of various joints of the body. The joints affected are usually red and shiny, and hot to the touch. The physical evidence of gout is brought about by internal metabolic imbalances that result in the over-abundance acidic substances, specifically uric acid, in the inner bodily terrain.”
Many gout home remedies have been tried with varying degrees of success over medications for gout. Foods to avoid gout include eating fresh fruits and vegetables; the most well-known is cherry juice for gout. Other foods that cause gout are talked about until they’ve now gained notorious fame, but the real culprit of uric acid gout in these times of “convenience first”, is overly processed dead foods, of which fast foods and soft drinks are the best examples.
The optimum natural treatment for gout is to breathe clean air, drink an ample daily dosage of high-quality water, and eat raw or slightly cooked, fresh fruits & vegetables and clean meats, fishes and beans. All foods to consume need to of a “live” nature, and therefore need to be sourced from organically grown practices. Treating gout with sound health and fitness will produce long-term, lasting results that not only provide gout pain relief, but also protection and prevention from various other lifestyle-related diseases, conditions, and illnesses.
Preventing gout comes about by learning to focus on what the body consumes to sustain itself, and that is of paramount importance. The “order” of importance of is also critical: the body needs air first, water second, and food third – as predicated by how the life of a human body ceases to exist when the absence of each of those components is removed.
To define gout, it comes down to one thing: Toxic Acid Waste Accumulation of the Inner Bodily Terrain – that is what gout is. The gout information that needs to be bought to the forefront is that the over abundance of uric acid is merely one component to the cause of gout. Yes, uric acid is the byproduct of the breakdown and metabolism of purines, but focusing only on that due to the theory of reductionism, is completely short-sighted; cures for gout do not come from isolating bodily functions and processes – it comes from observing the whole body as a unified organism. To bring about lasting gout relief, treating the whole body is the only intelligent way to go about it. Focusing only on inhibiting uric acid production by allowing the body to ignore the true causes of the acidic overload only prolongs destruction and delays catastrophe.
Providing a means to encourage detrimental practices that inherently promote gout, the accumulation of acidity, and the damaging effects of it, could be construed as unintegrous, if not criminal.
Not only do the poor quality of foods and beverages contribute to gout and gout attacks, but also polluted air, poor breathing capability, chemical-laden waters, and toxic environmental chemicals in contact with the skin do as well. What can also be added to that list is the toxic effects of pharmaceutical drugs and gout medications.
However, one of the most underestimated causes of gout is Stress. Stress at its root, stems from Fear. Due to the pressures that individuals place on themselves to provide and perform in the myriad different ways to survive and succeed in the world today, brings about an endless array of different fears. Whether real or perceived, the primitive parts of the human brain direct the physical body to interpret and respond to the dangers in its environment. The metabolic chemicals and impulses generated by those perceptions, serves to create a broad range of natural chemicals, many of which are very acidic in nature. If the body is operating from those acidic substances on a continuous basis, the health of that body can and will suffer. That form of suffering easily includes the consequences of gout.
No amount of gout medicine is going to replace the need to change the detrimental and destructive patterns and habits that produce the gout pictures seen today. What we call “gout emedicine” these days is much more effective: creating and conducting programs that evaluate the lifestyle choices and educate about methods for preventing gout and degenerative diseases and conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.
While in the process of establishing new choices that will lead to improved health in general, the current regime of medicine for gout from a medical doctor should be followed to the letter. Continuous testing and monitoring should be done to advocate the proper dosages and the progress of the protocol.
There are a number of different products, modalities, supplements, etc. that are helpful and sometimes necessary to the implementation and establishment of new health and fitness habits to move beyond the pain and frustration of gout. However, the most important skills needed to surmount this challenge is the skill to create new and healthy habits, and the skill needed to disengage from old, destructive bad habits.
To learn how to treat gout is the same as learning how to do almost anything; one needs instruction, practice, and monitoring. Learning what to do, being held accountable for doing it, and a method of measurement helps to simplify the endeavor.
In conclusion, when asking, “what is gout and what causes it”, there is no need look any further than the air we breathe, what we drink, the food we eat, and the thoughts we are thinking.
Harmful Foods for Gout Can Be Eliminated With Conviction
Gout is a very painful form of arthritis; it is often associated with overeating, excess consumption of alcohol and a taste for red meats and seafood. Effective treatment of gout involves an exercise program to be followed closely, and a tough dietary restriction program which many find difficult to maintain. However, taking the resolve to follow this program in its entirety will give you the chance to avoid gout flares. This can be achieved by avoiding the harmful foods for gout that are the biggest menace.
Low purine food for a gout diet
The good news is that new medical advances have meant that adhering to a draconian diet is not absolutely necessary. There a number of new medications available that have reduced the need for severe measures in treating gout. However, despite these advances, a change to a healthier regime is no bad thing, and a gout diet is extremely similar to many more “broad line” healthy diet programs; in addition, a gout diet can also directly assist you with prevention of several other potentially chronic illnesses.
Gout is not primarily caused by your diet or simply, what you eat and what you drink. Instead, it is caused by your body’s inability to flush out excess levels of uric acid. This uric acid forms crystals that accumulate around your joints and block the flow of blood, and this is what causes the pain. Uric acid itself is produced when your body breaks down purines. Purines occur naturally in your body, however, eating high purine food can tip the uric acid level over the tolerance level of your body and cause painful gout flares to occur.
Target for a gout reduction program
The purpose of a gout diet is primarily to control the production of uric acid, and then to eliminate it or flush it as quickly as possible from the body. By itself, the food suitable for a gout diet is not a universal remedy, but will assist with reducing the uric acid reading. The ideal maximum for uric acid is 6mg/1dl. Obesity or being overweight is also a massive contributor to gout affliction. Any effective program to combat the effects of gout will need to make sure that effective weight loss is a core part of the program.
Key diet guidelines
Diet as part of an overall combat program is aimed to remove foods that are high in purines from your diet. This in turn controls the production of uric acid to some degree. If you are over the recommended average weight, follow a program that will see a steady (but not overdramatic) loss of weight. Take note that fasting and rapid weight loss can actually increase the occurrences of gout attacks and can be counter-productive.
If I Get Gout Once Will I Always Have It?
Gout is a very nasty condition that can cause a great deal of discomfort in your life. It’s manifested through a swollen joint, and most commonly affects the toe, though it can occur in other parts of the body as well. Gout is additionally a recurring condition, and having it means that you have to live your life in a particular way to avoid triggering it and prevent gout attacks from occurring.
Preventing gout from showing up is the best way to deal with it – and for that, you must know what causes it and what you can do to avoid it. Gout is caused mainly by an increase in the levels of uric acid in your blood – so naturally, controlling its levels is what you have to do to prevent gout from bothering you. This mostly boils down to your diet, though your lifestyle in general will play a role to some extent too. You must cut down on foods like meat and certain kinds of seafood, while also increasing your intake of Vitamin C. Alcohol and weight problems must be brought under control as well, as they’re also serious contributors to gout-related problems.
- If you’re suffering from a gout attack, getting relief for it can be achieved in various ways. If the attack is of a lower magnitude and came about suddenly and recently, you can get some gout relief by applying ice on the affected area a few times for one day which should reduce the swelling and relieve your pain to a good degree.
- On the other hand, gout relief may also require the appropriate medications, as your condition may be more serious and beyond what an ice pack can do to help you. The most commonly applied types of medicine for treatment of gout conditions include anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids as well as colchicine.
Of course, steroids are certainly not for everyone and appropriate precautions should be taken to avoid damaging your body even further. Always talk to your physician if you’re planning on using steroids to get gout relief, and always use them responsibly too – there are certain limitations which you should never exceed, and knowing yours is the best way to make sure you won’t get into any trouble.
So in the end, it’s a sad truth you have to accept that gout is more or less a permanent condition, and if you’ve had it once it’s likely to happen again – but only if you allow it to. Remember, gout still relies entirely on the levels of uric acid in your blood, so gout relief more or less comes down to keeping those levels in check. Of course, this may require you to change your lifestyle a bit and adapt to living in a way that prevents gout from manifesting – so that you never need gout relief at all – and this will certainly take some effort, but in the end, it’ll be well worth the effort. There are a myriad of great cures and remedies available online for gout symptoms as well.
Get Rid of Gout for Good
If you have ever known anyone that has suffered gout, you have probably heard horror stories of sudden severe pain in their big toe, or crystal formation on the top of their ears, along with painful and inflamed joints. Gout can occur anywhere in the body, and usually lasts 3-12 days. It is estimated that between 2 and 5 million people suffer from Gout, a condition that in most cases can be alleviated and prevented by natural means. Gout accounts for about 5% of all types of Arthritis, and is most common in men over the age of 40. Once alleviated, it may take months or even years to return, with each subsequent time potentially becoming worse. Simple changes in lifestyle and diet, as well as other naturally remedies can help Gout sufferers, as well as contribute to preventing Gout.
Gout is an arthritic type that is characterized by pain and inflammation in joints. It is caused when Uric Acid levels increase in the blood and is called hyperuricemia. Gout is mostly caused by increased dietary intake of purine-rich foods, such as red meat and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Studies show that 75% of Gout sufferers will experience sudden redness, swelling, and sudden pain in their big toe, caused when uric acid crystallizes in your joints. The body then causes tissue inflammation to protect the joint, ultimately leading to excruciating pain for many people. When uric acid levels rise in the body, other health conditions can develop, including elevated cholesterol, hypertension, kidney stones, heart disease, and diabetes.
The most effective natural ways to rid of gout is to modify your diet. This includes lowering blood sugar, which can significantly lower inflammation levels in the body. Studies suggest that by simply lowering blood sugar gout risks can decrease up to 85%. Recent research has indicated that men who drink 1 to 2 sugary drinks per day have an 85% more likelihood of developing gout than those who drank 1 sugary drink per month. The best way to lower sugar is to eliminate HFCS from the diet, which includes all soft drinks and sugary beverages. Replace it with 10-12 glasses of water per day, and feel free to add a little bit of lemon juice to it. By increasing hydration and water consumption, this will help flush uric acid in the body. Add more exercise, as this allows circulation to increase, and again using the body’s natural talents of circulation by stabilizing insulin levels. Research has also shown that exercise helps to increase your immune system, blood flow, and can decrease risk factors for diabetes.
Sorry folks, but alcohol can be a contributor to gout, and eliminating red wine and alcohol is imperative. Although red wine has many benefits towards health, this is one instance where it is best to avoid consumption. Alcohol causes dehydration, and for Gout sufferers, it can elevate insulin and uric acid levels, which can contribute to the onset of diabetes and gout.
Two fantastic ways to counteract and prevent Gout is to increase intake of persian cherry juice, or “tart cherries”, and to consume celery seed. These cherries contain powerful phytochemicals called anthocyanins and bioflavanoids, which help prevent arthritis and gout, and can be found in most organic food stores. Persian cherry juice is very pure, containing up to 50-60 cherries per ounce, and contains less sugar. Celery seed help clear toxins and uric acid crystals from the body, and is an exceptional anti-inflammatory. Celery seed also helps to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Both can be found in your local organic food store. If one were so inclined, strawberries, a variety of other berries, and Nutmeg have also shown to have anti-inflammatory properties useful for gout.
Many conventional medications and over the counter NSAIDS have shown to help Gout sufferers. The only caveat is that many prescription and over the counter medications can incur a variety of side effects, including gastrointestinal problems and bleeding, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, rashes, dizziness, weight gain, fatigue, breathing issues, kidney and liver problems among many others. Because Gout can continue throughout the duration of one’s lifetime, many people choose to take natural routes to prevention and relief, as opposed to consuming drugs for gout throughout their entire lifetime.
Gout can be a painful and debilitating condition, and there are 5 great ways to prevent and relieve these symptoms. This includes
- eliminating high fructose corn syrup, fructose, sodas, sugary drinks, desserts, breads, and other sugary foods,
- eliminating foods rich in purine content such as red meats, sardines, anchovies, and yeast from the diet,
- reducing alcohol consumption of beer, red wine, and other alcoholic beverages,
- increasing intake of tart cherries, strawberries, Persian cherry Juice, other berries, and celery seed, and
- increasing water intake to flush uric acid. By making healthier choices throughout your life, many of these adverse health conditions can be avoided. So goes the famous saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.“
The Gout Diet – Find Out Which Facts Gout Sufferers Should Consider
Calling yourself a gout sufferer indicates that you have been positively diagnosed with gout. It is important to know whether you have true gout, secondary gout, false gout or any other condition that might mimic gout.
Conditions that mimic gout include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo-Arthritis, bacterial infections and pseudogout. Though gout is a type of arthritis, monosodium urate crystals that precipitate in the joints because of high uric levels do not cause the above mentioned conditions. So in order to manage your gout with a diet, you actually have to be sure which condition you have.
There are quite a number of factors to consider when you have a primary condition that you are receiving treatment for. Primary conditions include injury, surgery, chemical treatments, obesity, any other disease and a whole list of other factors.
Purine is a natural substance found in all living cells. They provide part of the chemical structure of plant and animal genes. Some cells contain high levels of purine. High-purine foods are also usually high protein foods.
Personally I prefer never to think diet, I would rather opt for life style change because changing to a gout diet is a long-term commitment. It is not a diet to quickly lose a couple of kilograms.
More Information and Treatment on
To start this whole life style change you will need to have a change in mindset. It will be the proverbial flick of the switch. The light must go on. This will probably be the most difficult part of the whole exercise.
Once you realize that the decision you have to make is critical to your overall life- time health, the switch will flip and you will know that you have to do this.
Now you will have to do some investigating to find out what you are eating and drinking that might be responsible for your gout. Write down what your daily intake is. Believe me, it looks very different on paper. Do this for a couple of days and then evaluate what you have written.
In the meantime, research the foods that are good for gout and what you should avoid.
After investigation you will probably find that you have more high-purine foods in your diet, than is good for you. These are the foods that you need to limit or avoid. Once you have identified them, they will be much easier to avoid. It might be a good idea to see a dietitian who can help you with the necessary adjustments to your life style.
Gout Symptoms And Gout Causes
Gout is a very severe form of arthritis and occurs when there is a profusion of uric acid built up in the body. Uric acid is a waste product and builds up due to overloading of the organs including the liver and kidneys. As soon as there is a build up of Uric acid present in the body the consequence can include such as antagonizing pain in the joints all the way through the body, especially appearing in the big toes. Uric acid build up can also result in painful kidney stones.
It is difficult to predict when an attack of gout will occur. Symptoms can develop rapidly over a few hours and usually last for 3-10 days. After this time, the joint will start to feel normal again and any pain or discomfort should eventually disappear completely.
The sooner symptoms are treated, the more quickly the pain will pass. You may experience symptoms every few weeks, months or years, but it is impossible to predict when the condition will recur. Sixty-two per cent of people experience a repeat attack of gout within a year. However, some people only ever experience one attack in their lifetime.
Many times the gout attack can be relentless and very excruciating; equally it often awakens one from sleep when the attack occurs.
Gout symptoms can be broken down into three key stages:
1. The first symptom of gout is acute (sudden and severe) joint pain, usually in the joint of the big toe. Symptoms often develop during the night, although they can occur at any time. Other symptoms of gout include:
- Swelling of joints
- Inflammation of joints
- Shiny red skin over the affected joints
- Itchy and flaky peeling skin over the affected joints
The intense pain that gout causes can make walking and getting around difficult. Even the light pressure of a bed cover or blanket can be painful.
It is at this stage when gout starts to cause injury to the body. The blood becomes incapable of breaking down the elevated level of uric acid and it begins to crystallize and then be deposited in joint spaces. This is when the agony and swelling occurs. Attacks by and large come about during the nighttime and if not treated can continue for weeks at a time. If not treated still the attacks turn out to be more brutal and keep going for longer periods of time.
2. The second stage of gout is the time when an attack of gout has subsided and at this time there are no symptoms but it is because the body’s immune system is stabilizing itself for extra attacks on the uric acid crystals which have become overly concentrated in the blood. If the gout sufferer does not achieve treatment by this stage the disease can be very problematical to control.
3. The third and final stage of gout is when it becomes chronic, which is the nastiest and most destructive stage of the disease. By this stage the gout has caused lasting impairment to the joints and in specific cases the kidneys as well. Equally at this stage the affiliated joint can grow to be deteriorated and cause crippling pain. In extreme cases the kidney can lose its functions, which can subsequently lead to kidney failure and death. Gout is a disease like many others which builds upon itself if not treated at the opening stages. It is vitally important to recognise the gout symptoms at the earliest stages before irreversible damage is done. There are many cases of people achieving an effective cure.
Gout – The Formation of Monosodium Urate Crystals In Synovial Fluid
Monosodium Urate Crystal (MSU) is what causes the painful gouty inflammation that tortures many adult males nowadays. Most of the gout patients do not know much about the gout they are having, all they know is that gout is related to high blood uric acid level and they must reduce the consumption of high purine diet to minimize the possibility of another gout attack.
The drugs that they take during the gout attack are mainly for the purpose of anti-inflammatory and pain killing, none of the gout drugs really act on the monosodium urate crystals that trigger the inflammation. Even after the inflammation subsided, those urate crystals still stay in the synovial fluid and deposit on the cartilage layers of the joint. Whenever there is new formation for monosodium urate crystals, there will be another round of painful gout attack. The intensity and frequency of the attacks will increase as more and more urate crystals deposit in the joint.
In order to cure gout once and for all, one must first understand the formation of monosodium urate crystals in synovial fluid. Only by understand how the enemy comes about, only then you know how to reverse the process and dissolve the urate crystals out from the joint.
The journey starts from a substance known as purine. Many people think that the main source of purine is from the food we eat, but the actual fact is that up to 85% of the purines are produced by your body itself. Every day, there are millions of body cells die and the breaking down of the DNA within the cells release billions units of purine. Some of the purines will be used in the formation of new DNA while most of the excess purines must be sent to the liver for degradation.
After the liver breaks down the purines to uric acids, these acids will be released into the bloodstream to be carried to the kidneys for disposal through urination. The problem start to develop when there are too much workload for the kidneys and you do not drink enough water to help flush away the acids and urea. Eventually, the kidneys start to become weak and the uric acid disposal rate reduced.
That will cause the build up uric acid in the bloodstream, but when the pH of blood reaches the alarming level, the body must find alternative channels to get rid of the acids. The acid will be dumped out from the bloodstream into the interstitial fluid and the acid molecules will gradually seeps into the synovial fluid. When the concentration of uric acid in the synovial fluid reaches the saturation point where no more acid can be dissolved, crystallization happens and that is how the formation of monosodium urate crystals in synovial fluid takes place.
Now you know the pathway of uric acid, you should have an idea on how to gradually melt the urate crystals away, just reverse the pathway. First, strengthen your kidney function and drink more water to flush out the acid in the blood. As the acid level in the blood drops, more acid can be reabsorbed from the interstitial fluid and the synovial fluid. Finally, when the uric acid concentration in the synovial fluid reduces, the urate crystals will start to dissolve and your gout will begin to disappear. Remember, it takes time!
Food Groups To Cut Or Eliminate From A Gout Diet
Foods that are high in purine content will most likely be a trigger for a gout attack. Uric acid is formed because of the breakdown of purine. Low-purine diets are then used to help assist in the treatment of conditions like gout where excessive uric acid is deposited in body tissues as uric acid crystals and in chronic cases, tophi.
What is purine?
Purine is a natural substance found in all the cells of the body and virtually all food. It is present because purine is part of the chemical structure of human, plant and animal genes. A small number of foods contain a high concentration of purine. Mostly these high purine concentration foods are also high-protein foods. It includes foods like kidney, fish like herring, mackerel, sardines, mussels, and also yeast.
According to the Goutonline Archive, foods are divided into the following groups:
Examples of high-purine foods: (Up to 1000mg per 28.35g (3.5oz) serving)
- Anchovies
- Fish eggs (Roe)
- Fish such as herring, sardines and small oily fish (smelt).
- Mussels and Scallops
- Game meats like partridge goose and duck
- Organ meats: brains, sweetbreads, heart, kidney and liver
- Extracts of meat
- Mincemeat
- Bouillon, Broth and consomme.
- Gravy
- Yeast (both brewers and bakers) taken as a supplement
- Alcohol, especially Beer
Examples of medium-purine foods: (between 5-100mg per 28.35g (3.5oz) serving)
- Fish and shellfish not included in the high purine list
- Poultry foods not included in the high purine list
- Beef, lamb, pork, and other red meats not included in the high purine list
- Dried legumes like beans, peas, lentils.
- Asparagus.
- Mushrooms.
- Spinach.
- Cauliflower
- Green peas
- Oats and oatmeal
- Wheat germ and bran.
- Whole grain breads and cereals
Recommendations For Seafood Should Be Individualized!
Some foods are considered moderately high in purine but may not raise the risk of developing gout. These include asparagus, lima beans, turkey, ham, duck, chicken, whole grain cereals and breads, spinach, peas, mushrooms and cauliflower.
It is also better to eat more plant proteins than animal proteins. Although these are moderately high in purine content, for instance legumes and soy, you will be cutting back on the animal fat and will also assist in keeping your cholesterol levels down.
Keep to the low purine foods and you will be able to reduce or even eliminate your gout attacks and minimize your health risks.
How to Remove Gout Crystals
The increase in the level of uric acid in the body can cause a lot of trouble. Uric acid is usually dissolved in the blood or eliminated by the body through the aid of the kidney. But if the body produces too much uric acid and not completely dissolved in the blood, needle-like crystals are formed in the joints.
This condition is called gout. Pain brought by gout is unbearable, which can obstruct the sufferer on doing some activities. Obviously, the answer to this dilemma is to eliminate these crystals and the methods on how to remove gout crystals can be attained by following the tips mentioned in this article.
One way of answering how to remove gout crystals is to drink a lot of water. Though considered natural and cheap, yet it doesn’t make less effective. Majority of the people are not drinking the right amount of water their bodies need to function normally.
Water prevents the uric acid crystals from forming, and likewise, facilitates the elimination of uric acid. Six to eight glasses of water is the daily requirement of the body, but people with gout must drink a minimum of 12 x 8 ounce glasses regularly to help them remove gout crystals formed in their joints.
Fresh vegetables are always good sources of vitamins and minerals that help the body and its immune system to fight diseases. They can also help in removing gout crystals especially the green leafy ones. Have at least 5 helpings of this daily to have good results. But not all vegetables are good for gout sufferers. Avoid the intake of mushrooms, asparagus, and cauliflower for they can worsen the situation and may trigger gout attacks.
Take in fruits that are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds as these can reduce gout attacks and help remove gout crystals out of the body. Cherry is known to be rich in enzymes and an anti-inflammatory compound. Eating 10-15 cherries a day is a good way to get rid of gout crystals.
There are anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen and ibuprofen available in pharmacies, but these should be bought with doctor’s prescription for safety purposes. Have fresh fruits daily as they are good sources of vitamin C. They help in decreasing the level of uric acid inside the body. However, remember to avoid fruits that are acidic such as tomatoes and oranges.
While using the methods mentioned above, it is best for the gout sufferer to avoid foods that are rich in purine. Purine are broken down by the body into uric acids. So it can never be of any help if you continue eating scallops, organ meat, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and other foods that are high in purine content.
Knowing how to remove gout crystals is just easy for as long as you have discipline. Though there are many foods gout victims must avoid, yet, having a healthy body is the best reward you can achieve if these methods are followed correctly.