How to Remove Gout Crystals
The increase in the level of uric acid in the body can cause a lot of trouble. Uric acid is usually dissolved in the blood or eliminated by the body through the aid of the kidney. But if the body produces too much uric acid and not completely dissolved in the blood, needle-like crystals are formed in the joints.
This condition is called gout. Pain brought by gout is unbearable, which can obstruct the sufferer on doing some activities. Obviously, the answer to this dilemma is to eliminate these crystals and the methods on how to remove gout crystals can be attained by following the tips mentioned in this article.
One way of answering how to remove gout crystals is to drink a lot of water. Though considered natural and cheap, yet it doesn’t make less effective. Majority of the people are not drinking the right amount of water their bodies need to function normally.
Water prevents the uric acid crystals from forming, and likewise, facilitates the elimination of uric acid. Six to eight glasses of water is the daily requirement of the body, but people with gout must drink a minimum of 12 x 8 ounce glasses regularly to help them remove gout crystals formed in their joints.
Fresh vegetables are always good sources of vitamins and minerals that help the body and its immune system to fight diseases. They can also help in removing gout crystals especially the green leafy ones. Have at least 5 helpings of this daily to have good results. But not all vegetables are good for gout sufferers. Avoid the intake of mushrooms, asparagus, and cauliflower for they can worsen the situation and may trigger gout attacks.
Take in fruits that are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds as these can reduce gout attacks and help remove gout crystals out of the body. Cherry is known to be rich in enzymes and an anti-inflammatory compound. Eating 10-15 cherries a day is a good way to get rid of gout crystals.
There are anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen and ibuprofen available in pharmacies, but these should be bought with doctor’s prescription for safety purposes. Have fresh fruits daily as they are good sources of vitamin C. They help in decreasing the level of uric acid inside the body. However, remember to avoid fruits that are acidic such as tomatoes and oranges.
While using the methods mentioned above, it is best for the gout sufferer to avoid foods that are rich in purine. Purine are broken down by the body into uric acids. So it can never be of any help if you continue eating scallops, organ meat, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and other foods that are high in purine content.
Knowing how to remove gout crystals is just easy for as long as you have discipline. Though there are many foods gout victims must avoid, yet, having a healthy body is the best reward you can achieve if these methods are followed correctly.