Massage Therapist Within

A great way to spend a wintry or rainy day is with some wholesome activities planned indoors. One great activity is offer you loved one a massage! Massages are very easy to give as long as you mean it.

Nothing feels worse than someone’s unwilling but well meaning thumb drilling perpetually in one spot until that spot becomes one sore bruise. Ask them what are you doing my friend and no matter what they say the answer is they are not engaged, they are thinking about getting a massage themselves, or counting the minute, or well… some people just don’t give good massages.

Here are some simple advice for those willing: breathe, what? you didn’t expect that. Well that’s what makes this bit different from others. Breathing an overlooked underestimated but such basic art that we all benefit from if we are only willing to allow ourselves to breathe. Relax that abdomen. I know you want to forget that you have one, but unless you are never constipated, don’t overindulge regularly, or do engage in some unhealthy gimmik, you my friend have a little belly. So what, underneath we all have a little belly here and there. Let go of the stigma, and concentrate on something quantumleapumly more important.

  1. Concentrate on relaxation, unbuckle that pesky invisible garment, indulge in who you really are this curvy “? ” at the moment,at first it may help if no one is around, so its ok to check and make sure. Now allow that cool air to expand your cavity, mmmm…what a great massage for all your abdomenal organs. This stimultates increased oxygen, intestinal regularity, excellent spirit, vitality, better sleep and feels great, and a sure route to relaxation. Can you feel it?
  2. That brings us to easy tip: Remember to feel what is happening as you motion your arms, or feet. You may direct your flow during the massage, but the body you act on responds and your therapeutic effect becomes profound when you respond to it.
  3. Maintain a comfortable position. As the giver of a terrific massage or bodyword, energy work or any intra/interpersonal interaction, you can give so much when you are comfortable. Only then it feels easy whatever you are doing; then you can relax and breathe and respond. Don’t strain your muscles but instead relax and let your body’s weight sink and carry your arms where your mind intends. You may find yourself enjoying the process. See, giving ain’t so bad!

Well if the above just makes no sense to ya whatsoever in that case you are a yard work kind of guy(gal), your talent shines brightest outdoors, so the next snow day go ahead and run out and commit to some quality work; let snow facilitate it for ya and have some fun with it too!: find a plastic snow shovel, and its ok if it got some dirt on it, its all frozen to it, so get yourself a nice abandoned school parking lot, now slipn’slide full speed armed with that wooden handle of a shovel, you can shout “snow witches here we come!” So much fun!

Massage techniques

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