Foods to Avoid When You Have Gout
Gout is a form of arthritis where intense pain is experienced due to the formation of crystallized uric acid deposits on the joints throughout the body. These crystallized formations cause irritation and inflammation that can last for quiet some time and in many cases is most severe at night or during periods of rest where activity levels are low.
There are certain types of food that can increase the risk of experiencing gout symptoms. One particular food group that can do so is meats. Meats, especially those which are high in fat content, contain higher levels of purines which when consumed can lead to the build up of uric acid within the body. When the body is unable to process and remove the elevated amounts of uric acid from the body, crystallized deposits can begin to form.
Seafood is another type of food that is known to be high in purines. It too can lead to the buildup of uric acid crystal deposits on the joints of the body if too much is consumed. This is another type of food that should be avoided or at least consumed at a minimum if you want to prevent or reduce gout symptoms.
One thing worth noting is that there are foods which contain elevated levels of purines but do not seem to cause or increase gout symptoms. Some of these foods include cauliflower, beans, spinach, mushrooms, and many others. Foods that can help lower the risk of experiencing gout symptoms include the items mentioned above as well as low fat dairy items.
As far as foods to avoid when you have gout goes, there are a number of items that you should be aware of. These items typically are high in purines and other items that can lead to the buildup of excess uric acid in the body. One thing worth mentioning is that many of the items listed below can also be linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Obesity is another health issue that can be experienced when uric acid levels are too high in the blood stream.
Here is a listing of foods that are known to be high in purines, thus increasing the risk of experiencing gout symptoms:
- sardines
- liver
- salmon
- turkey
- bacon
- trout
- haddock
- anchovies
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- veal
- goose
- mussels
- herring
Maintaining a healthy and well balanced diet is a good strategy for addressing any gout issues that you may be experiencing. Not only does keeping a good diet for gout help reduce the risk of experiencing gout symptoms, but it also can help reduce the risk of experiencing other more serious health issues such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, and more.