Diagnosing And Treatment For Acute Pain
Pain is an unpleasant condition that can be caused in any living being on the earth. The pain is caused due to actual or perceived injury to the tissues. The pain experienced would be less or more depending upon the injury, mood, sleep pattern, hunger or activity.
Pain Management Expert can be complex and easy depending on the cause of the pain. The experts have a wide range of skills and techniques to treat the pain. Following are the techniques;
- Interventional Procedures
- Medication Management
- Physical therapy
- Psychological counseling and support
- Acupuncture and other alternative therapies
- Refer to other medical specialists in case of gravity of pain
It is import for the Pain management Expert knows these above skills and techniques as they have to understand the daily routine and habits of the patient. The pain treatment begins with understanding the history of the pain, duration and intensity of the pain. The role of the expert is to identify the precise reason of the pain and give the maximum treatment to the patient for alleviating the same. One of the methods is Fluoroscopy. This is an X-ray guided viewing method. This technique is used by the expert in locating the injection so that the medication reaches at the exact point from where the pain is being generated.
Neuropathic pain is a state of chronic pain which is usually caused due to tissue injury. The nerves fibers are damaged due to this injury. One of the types of Neuropathic pain is Phantom Limb Syndrome. The Syndrome occurs when an arm or a leg has been removed because of any illness or injury. The brain still gets impulses of pain as the nerves misfires and causes the pain. In case of these type of Neuropathic pain the use of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are suggested by the experts, to name a few these drugs are Aleve or Motrin, which can ease the pain.
Depending upon the intensity of the pain some of the patients may require stronger medicines like those containing morphine. The experts suggest Anticonvulsant and Antidepressant drugs for few patients are per their case history. The experts find few cases which are difficult to treat with just medicines; they suggest use of invasive or implantable device therapies to effectively alleviate the pain. Electrical stimulation of the nerves significantly controls the pain symptoms. The experts take care that the patient gets maximum relief from the treatment and the patient can lead a healthy life.